10 New Year’s Resolutions for Alzheimer’s Caregivers

Taken from: IlluminAge AgeWise at http://caringstrategies.com/2018/01/2018-new-years-resolutions-alzheimers-caregivers/ Do you make New Year’s resolutions before or after the first day of January? If you are caring for a loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder, you may think you don’t have time to make them at all! But now during the first week of the year, as the holiday …

Alzheimer’s Disease Safety Precautions for Seniors

If you or someone in your family is suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, you know that things that might have once been easy or routine all of a sudden become new challenges. Alzheimer’s patients and their families need to take some extra safety precautions to ensure that they are safe in their homes and that they have everything they need to …

Holidays and Gifts

Alzheimer’s disease affects every aspect of your family and community life.  Your holiday observances are no exception.  Holidays can be bittersweet for families affected by Alzheimer’s. The holiday season may bring mixed feelings and concerns about your loved one’s needs, his or her capacity to be involved in holiday festivities and your expectations for the experience.  Holiday memories from before …

Qualifying for Social Security Disability with Alzheimer’s Disease

If you or someone you love has Alzheimer’s disease, you may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers monthly benefits to people who are no longer able to work due to a serious disability. You may be eligible for financial aid to help pay for any medical costs, childcare, in-home nursing, rent or a …

Miraculous Music

Allen Power, M.D. has redefined dementia from the perspective of the person living with dementia as, “Dementia is a shift in the way a person experiences the world around her/him.” What a universal human experience music can be. Music connects us with others who are present as well as connecting us with memories. Rhythm is usually preserved in a person …

Checklist for Providing Alzheimer’s Care

Even in the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease, you will want to plan for the changes that will take place in the person’s daily life. Types of care to consider for Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s Texas has several resource lists containing contacts for the following types of care. Informal Care: Family Friends and neighbors Community volunteers providing assistance as needed Respite Care: …

Alzheimer’s and Spirituality

Spirit can be defined as the animating force traditionally believed to be within living beings; a human being’s essence.  It is the part of the human being association with the mind and feelings as distinguished from the physical body.  Spirituality is not a doctrine.  It is a remembrance.  It is a feeling.  It is the knowledge that you are more …

Lewy Body Rollercoaster

Article by www.alzheimersweekly.com Attention, alertness and cognition have dramatic fluctuations in Lewy Body dementia. Caregivers call these ups and downs “The Roller-Coaster of LBD.” Learn more about it and where to get essential support. “I watched my husband experience a decline in cognition followed by a period of what seemed like improved function only to plunge again into confusion with …

Helping Your Loved One Get Accustomed to an In-Home Caregiver

As Alzheimer’s progresses, the person with the disease will likely need a level of supervision and assistance that one caregiver can’t provide without assistance.  Often, this situation necessitates that professional caregivers come into the home. It’s not uncommon for people with dementia to resist this change.  Having to spend the day with a person you’ve never met and allowing them …

Dealing with Family Conflict

Conflicts are common as family members struggle to deal with the situations that arise when a loved-one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.  According to Mayo Clinic staff, families should work through conflicts together so that they can move on to more important things – caring for loved-ones and enjoying the time together as much as possible. Share responsibility.  Choices include …