What to look for in an assisted living facility

Making the transition to long-term care can be difficult for any family.  This checklist can help you ask the right questions to find the best possible option for your loved one. Atmosphere/Comfort Level What are the admission requirements? How big is the facility?  (Larger facilities may have more organized activities, socialization opportunities, and transportation.) How clean is the facility in …

10 Ways to Love Your Brain

As part of our mission to promote brain health, the Alzheimer’s Association has compiled the findings of recent scientific studies into a list of simple steps anyone can take to reduce their risk of dementia.  Small changes to your daily habits could have a big impact on your lifetime cognitive health!  

What to do if you suspect elder abuse

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15. Unfortunately, elderly people living with dementia are more likely to become victims of exploitation, fraud, and neglect. In 2014, Travis County Adult Protective Services received 4,014 reports of abuse, neglect (or self-neglect), or exploitation, and it’s believed that most cases of elder abuse go unreported. If you notice any of the warning …

June Caregiver Connection: Making a Smooth Transition to Long-Term Care

Moving an individual with Alzheimer’s disease into a long-term care facility can be a very traumatic experience, not only for the individual with the disease, but also for the caregiver.  There are a variety of things that can be done to make the transition go more smoothly. Approach the transition in a way that will create a positive experience for …

Talking Baseball, Finding Community

Jim Kenton has been a self-described “baseball geek” since the age of seven.  He fondly recalls immersing himself in the world of baseball every summer of his childhood, glued to the radio listening to broadcasts of games, racing to collect the latest baseball cards and magazines.  Over a lifetime, Kenton’s knowledge of baseball has grown so vast that now he …

May Caregiver Connection: How to Know When It’s Time for Long Term Care

The decision to place a loved one with dementia in a long term care facility isn’t easy for most families.  Many seniors prefer to remain in their homes, and because changes in functioning due to dementia can be gradual, it is easy to put off making this difficult decision.  However, as with all things related to Alzheimer’s, it’s much better …

April Caregiver Connection: Communication Tips

One of the greatest struggles for caregivers is communicating with the person with dementia.  Luckily, there are proven strategies for avoiding conflict and making yourself understood.  Use these “do’s and don’ts” to refine your caregiving communication style. DON’T Don’t reason Don’t argue Don’t confront Don’t correct Don’t question recent memory Don’t take it personally

March Caregiver Connection: The Importance of Advocacy

The Alzheimer’s Association has made major impact its services and education for caregivers, funding for research, and dedication to enhancing awareness of this sinister illness.  However, we know that we’ll need the support of our state and national governments to truly change the course of this disease. That’s why advocacy is another central part of our mission.  We work to …

February Caregiver Connection: UTIs, Risks and Detection

If you asked a random sample of people to list the possible dangers that threaten the health of a person with dementia, chances are that few would name urinary tract infections.  But senior citizens, and particularly people with dementia, are especially vulnerable to this common infection, and may suffer greater health consequences if the infection goes undetected.  Learn more about …

January Caregiver Connection: Handling Guilt

It is normal to feel guilty during the process of caregiving.  But feelings of guilt aren’t always healthy or appropriate; we may set unrealistic expectations for ourselves, and feel guilty when we don’t meet these expectations.  In this case, guilt can drain our emotional energy and make us less effective caregivers.  Luckily, there are things you can do to deal …