Celebrating the 25th Annual Travis County Alzheimer’s Texas Walk

Alzheimer’s Texas (formerly known as the Alzheimer’s Association Capital of Texas Chapter) has served Central Texas for over 30 years.   This year, we commemorate two important anniversaries: the 25th Annual Alzheimer’s Texas Walk in Travis County, and the very first year that 100% proceeds for all 5 of our Walks will remain here in Central Texas, to be used for support, education, and research here in our community.

This year also marks the first year that team captains will be given the option to designate where they’d like their fundraising dollars to go.  What part of our mission are you most passionate about?  Caregiver services?  Support for research? Early Stage Support Programs?  Our full mission?  You tell us where your funds and our efforts should go.

If you haven’t had an opportunity to sign up for one of our Alzheimer’s Texas Walks, visit www.txalz.org/walk to find an event near you.  Each of the events is fun for all ages, featuring a scenic walk, music, food, prizes, activities for kids, and more.

The dates and locations for each event are listed below.  Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Fayette County Alzheimer’s Texas Walk
September 17, 2016
Fayette County Fairgrounds, La Grange
Check in and Registration at 8:30am | Opening Ceremony at 9:00am | Walk at 9:30am

Williamson County Alzheimer’s Texas Walk
September 24, 2016
San Gabriel Park, Area Z, Georgetown
Check in and Registration at 8:30am | Opening Ceremony at 9:00am | Walk at 9:30am

Travis County Alzheimer’s Texas Walk
October 8, 2016
Camp Mabry, Austin
Check in and Registration at 8:30 a.m. | Opening Ceremony at 9:30 a.m. | Walk at 10:00 a.m.

Hays County Alzheimer’s Texas Walk
October 15, 2016
City Recreation Hall, San Marcos
Check in and Registration at 9:00 a.m. | Opening Ceremony at 9:30 a.m. | Walk at 10:00 a.m.

Bell County Alzheimer’s Texas Walk
October 29, 2016
Pepper Creek Trails, Temple
Registration at 9:00 a.m. | Opening Ceremony at 9:30 a.m. | Walk at 10:00 a.m.

Want to learn more?  Join us for a Walk Kickoff Party near you!  Learn the dates and times by visiting www.txalz.org/walk.